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This page is no longer in use but kept here for historic reasons. You can find the answers in the booklet :)

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To be able to enter these secret pages you need to get your RUN/STOP RESTORE booklet and find the answers for these four questions.

Since these pages ARE very very secret, please do not hand out the secret URL or the answers to the questions. It is ok, though, to spread the word by promoting yourself whereever you want and brag about how you found some cool RUN/STOP RESTORE easter eggs :)

Q1:How many cheerleaders are featured on Hypa-ball vs. Mission AD
Q2:How many percent faster does the PRESS PLAY ON TAPE on TOUR(botape) play?
Q3:What is the PO.Box number for the snail mail address to submit your membership application for the PRESS PLAY ON TAPE Fanclub?
Q4:How many anachronisms does the Retro Room at least come with?